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2nd Class- Mrs Coy & Ms Brady 2017-18
A Visit to Pine Forest!
A Visit to the LAB for Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS)
2nd Class Library Visit
Maths 4 Fun!
We made colourful masks for Halloween.
On Wednesdays students go swimming to our local pool on Sean Mc Dermott Street. Each class group has a turn at swimming during the school year. P.J. and Michael are the swimming teachers. The pool has recently been refurbished.
Letters to Santa.
We decorated gingerbread houses for Christmas.
We are lucky to have a wonderful Reader in Residence called Ruth. She has visited all of our classes and introduced us to some fantastic books.
As part of this programme we have visited the library where we’ve listened to stories and taken part in quizzes and games. Ruth has made reading and listening to stories a really enjoyable experience.
We went to Malahide Caste to celebrate National Tree Day.
2nd Class- Ms Tracey.
Ms. Tracey's went to the Post Office to drop off their letters to Santa. We loved looking at all the beautiful decorations!
We went to see a Gulliver's Travels in the Charleville Mall Library. It was really funny and we all got up to dance and sing.
We all had great fun making delicious gingerbread houses. Lots of parents came into help.
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