Ms. Brady's 2nd Class

Mrs. Halpin
Today we had a very special visitor.
We had the pleasure of welcoming back Mrs. Halpin to our school.
Mrs. Halpin was a past pupil in the 1930s. She told us all about school days in the past, her teachers and what it was like to grow up in the local area.

Dun Laoghaire
What an exciting day we had in Dun Laoghaire. We hopped on the DART, we met our pen pals from St. Mary's, we had Teddy's ice-cream, we read books in the Lexicon Library and we had a tour in the Maritime Museum.

School Tour
We had a fantastic day in Pine Forest for our school tour. We took part in a nature walk and enjoyed lots of arts and crafts.

Busy Day in Town
Look who we bumped into on our way to and from the Hugh Lane Gallery.
The Irish Defence Forces and Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment Richard Bruton.

VTS - Visual Thinking Strategies
We had our last VTS session with Claire today in The Hugh Lane Gallery.

Reader in Residence
Back in the ILAC Library with our Reader in Residence Ruth.
Each week Ruth chooses a king or queen for their concentration and contribution to the session.

Oral Reports
Recently, our class were given the task of researching a topic and presenting an oral report on it.
Most of us went above and beyond what we were asked to do and created posters to support our oral report.
Topics of interest included Russia, India, The Philippines, Dodo Birds, The GPO and Homelessness.
Check some of them out!

Local Monuments
Owen Boss brought our class on a walking tour of the locality recently.
We looked at plaques and statues erected in the area that commemorates local heroes such as Bram Stoker (author of Dracula) and James Joyce (author of Ulysses).

Today, 2 very large boxes containing 27 cubes each arrived in our classroom.
We were very curious to find out what was inside. Maths just became a whole lot more fun!
IZAK9 will help us build on our problem-solving, fluency, reasoning and will help us develop resilience and most importantly, team-work.
We've already rated it 10 out of 10!

First Holy Communion 2019
Congratulations to the 19 boys and girls in 2nd class who received their First Holy Communion last Saturday in the Pro-Cathedral.

The Life Cycle of Butterfly
Look at how big our caterpillars (larva) have grown in a week. We are patiently waiting for chrysalis and eventually they will turn into beautiful butterflies.

Innocent Big Grow!
Our class have recently planted cress, tomatoes and peas.
We are watering the plants every day and making sure they are getting enough sunlight.

Treat Yourself Tuesday
We have been working so hard in 2nd class that Ms. Brady decided to treat us to some Krispy Kreme doughnuts.
Thumbs up from us!

Clay Pots
We have been busy making some clay pots for Easter.
We're looking forward to painting them next week.

Last week we explored magnets. It was really interesting to test out and discover the different materials that magnets attract to each other through.
We finished our lesson with a magnetism wordsearch.

Junior Achievement
5 weeks of Junior Achievement done and dusted.
Thank you Deirdra for volunteering with our class and making it so enjoyable for us.

Happy Mother's Day Maa!

Pizza Party
As a reward for getting 600 stars in our DFL, we were treated with a special delivery of pizza.

Another week of action with Mark from St. Brendan's GAA club.

Maths Stations
Check out some of the fun we had in Maths last week!

Hot Chocolate
As part of our procedural writing in literacy, we have been writing about how to make hot chocolate.
We couldn't write about it and not make some.
It was delicious!

ALDI Rugby Stickers
We did it! We collected 300 ALDI rugby stickers for the poster in our classroom. Thank you to everyone who helped us.
This means we will now get rugby equipment for our school.

Junior Achievement
We had another visit from Deirdra to teach us all about the community.
We learned all about government taxes and what they are used for.

Seachtain na Gaeilge 2019
Bhí seachtain fíor gnóthach againn le tráth na gceist, céilí agus lá glas.
Comhghairdeas le Gaeilgeoir na Seachtaine freisin!
Pen Pals
Our next batch of pen pal letters are ready to send to 2nd Class in St. Mary's N.S. Booterstown.
We can't wait for their replies!

World Book Day 2019
On Thursday 7th March, we celebrated World Book Day.
Our class travelled to Eason's and bought some books using our World Book Day tokens.
We love reading books in our class and take part in a variety of reading groups each day including guided reading, choral reading, DEAR time and readers' theatre.
We cannot wait to get stuck into reading our new books!

First Confession
Well done to the 19 boys and girls in second class who made the sacrament of First Penance last Thursday 7th March.
The boys and girls have been working very hard in the lead up to this and are all looking forward to making their First Holy Communion in May.
Another week of Gaelic football skills. Thanks Mark from St. Brendan's GAA club!

Our class visited the Hugh Lane Gallery with Claire this week to do some VTS.
We can't wait for our second visit in a few weeks!

Ullchabháin Óga
Is aoibhinn linn an scéal 'Ullchabháin Óga' le Martin Waddell.
Féach ar an ealaín álainn a rinneamar freisin!

Junior Achievement
Deirdra has been visiting our class for Junior Achievement. We are learning all about the community.
Our first two sessions have been very interesting. We have discussed how a community works and what jobs/businesses make up our community. We have also learned about production and made our very own doughnuts as part of a team.

Pen Pals
We have been so busy this week writing our letters in reply to 2nd Class in St. Mary's B.N.S in Booterstown.
It was super exciting to read their letters and find out all about their class.
We can't wait to send our replies by the end of the week!

We had our first GAA coaching session with Mark from St. Brendan's GAA club in Grangegorman this week.
Watch out for the future stars of Dublin GAA!

Check out our projects and artwork based on China.
In our groups, we had great fun researching the country of China. We learned so many new and interesting facts.
Did you know - sticky rice was used to stick together the stones of The Great Wall of China!

Art - Still Life Drawings
Every Thursday, we do art in our class. Recently, we tried some still life drawings of flowers. We loved it!

VTS - Visual Thinking Strategies
Ms. Brady's class visited Claire in The LAB Gallery today.
We checked out Marielle Macleman's exhibition and had a great time discussing her art.
Happy Chinese & Mongolian New Year!
On Tuesday 5th February, we celebrated Chinese and Mongolian New Year.
Did you know that 2019 is the year of the pig in China?
We also enjoyed a delicious Mongolian dish called 'buzz'. They are dumplings filled with meat.

Lá Fhéile Bríde
The children preparing for First Holy Communion were very busy last week. We made our very own St. Brigid's crosses from rushes.
We learned some interesting facts about Saint Brigid, one of our patron saints.
St. Brigid was born in Co. Louth.
St. Brigid's Day is 1st February.
Brigid became a nun and wanted to build a church in Co. Kildare but had no land or money to do so.
When Brigid lay her cloak in a field, it spread to cover the entire field. Wherever the cloak spread, she could build her church.

Literacy Stations
Every Friday, we have great fun during our oral language stations. Some of the games we play include Headbandz, Stop the Bus, Guess Who, Don't Say It and Fairytale Boards.

Christmas Show 2018
2nd class performed The Wizard of Oz. A lot of hard work and practice went into the show. We are very proud of ourselves.

Kakariki Bird
A kakariki bird visited our classroom this week.
Most of us had never seen or heard of this type of bird.
The kakariki bird originates from New Zealand.

Letters to Santa Clause
We visited the GPO and posted our letters to Santa Clause this week.
Instead of asking for presents, we all asked Santa to grant a Christmas wish to someone who might need help this Christmas.

Elf on the Shelf
We had some very disruptive visitors in our class this morning.
3 mischievous elves decided to sneak out of our classroom and use the photocopier.
Look at the result!

Special Visitor
Look who paid a trip to our classroom today to spread some festive cheer in NOVEMBER!

Dánta Dána
As part of Bliain na Gaeilge 2018, our class attended Dánta Dána in the Central Library.
We enjoyed a selection of poems and songs as Gaeilge.
Is aoibhinn linn Gaeilge!

Our class are focusing on length in Maths. We had so much fun measuring different classroom items using non-standard units of measurement.
We used our hand-spans, lollipop sticks, markers and cubes.

Operation Transformation 10 @ 10
Our class love taking part in RTE's 10 @ 10.
We stop what we are doing, get up and get active for 10 minutes!

Meet our Hedgehogs!
We have been learning a lot about hibernation in 2nd class.
We looked at some animals that hibernate during the winter and created our very own hedgehogs!

Halloween 2018
On Friday, we enjoyed our last day of school before midterm. We dressed up and played some traditional Halloween games.
We even tried some báirín breac!

Maths Week 2018
As part of Maths Week 2018, we participated in maths stations each day.
We had so much fun!

September 2018
We visited Malahide Castle & Gardens for Tree Day. We had lots of fun!

Ms. Kildee's 2nd Class
October 2018
The children in the Cottage have been learning all about hedgehogs this week. They are very interesting animals. Here are our top 3 hedgehog facts:
1. A group of hedgehogs is called an array.
2. There are 17 species of hedgehog.
3. A baby hedgehog is called a hoglet.
Take a look at these cute hedgehogs we made from pinecones.

October 2018
The Cottage went on a Symmetry Hunt around our school to celebrate Maths Week.

October 2018
The Cottage really enjoyed learning about Mathletics with the school tablets.

September 2018
We learned so much about the fennec fox at Show and Tell today! Well done!

September 2018
Ms. Kildee and the children in The Cottage celebrated Tree Day with a trip to Malahide Castle. It was a great day of playing, walking and spending time in nature. We had lots of fun!