Painted Lady Butterflies
3rd class are very excited to announced that the Painted Lady butterflies have hatched! We enjoyed watching them develop and we learned so much about the lifecycle of the butterfly. They are now living the rest of their lives in our school garden.
Hapa Zome
3rd class made Hapa Zome art- a Japanese style of art that involves pressing leaves and flowers on cloth and smashing them to make a symmetrical pattern. The result is a delicate image that is absolutely beautiful!

We are very excited to announce that our caterpillars have arrived! We now are watching, observing and waiting for each caterpillar to form a chrysalis.

Summer Sketching

Seachtain na Gaeilge

Bhí Rang a Trí ag imirt cluiche biongó!


Pancake Tuesday!!

Rainforest Layer Project
3rd class have been working hard on our Rainforest Projects. They are now experts on the layers of the rainforest and the animals that live in each layer.

The Emergent Layer is at the top of the rainforest. The Bird Eating Tarantula lives in this layer.
The Canopy Layer is next. The sloth lives in this layer.

Heading 2

The Understory is the next layer of the rainforest. The anaconda lives in this layer.
At the bottom of the rainforest is the Forest Floor layer. The jaguar lives here.

The Hugh Lane Gallery
Ms. Kildee's 3rd class were delighted to participate in the Zooom@HughLane programme. We looked at art, discussed art and made some art of our own.
We are lucky to have the Hugh Lane Gallery so near to our school!

Group Projects!
3rd class are working on group projects and we're really excited about how they're going to turn out. Group projects are great for showing what we've learned about a topic, practicing cooperation and sharing responsibility, and this class are experts at all those skills. Stay tuned for the completed projects!

The Rainforest!
3rd class are learning all about the rainforest! We've learned about the plants and animals that live there, the 4 layers and the damage that has been done to the rainforest.
We're also collecting things we see everyday that grow in the rainforest. Check out our display!

100th Day of School
3rd Class celebrated the 100th day of school on Friday 4th of February. They spent the whole day engaged in 100th day activities and had loads of fun!

100th Day of School Activities
100 piece jigsaws
Writing about When I am 100 years old
Making a list of 100 animals
Céad Focal Gaeilge
Making the number 100 with our bodies
Table Quiz
100 jumping jacks
Taking 100 steps
Running for 100 seconds


Lunar New Year-Year of the Tiger!